
Home Forums Matlab Interpolation

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cK 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    Attached figure is a contour plot with

    x-axis as distance [40x1]
    y-axis as time [40x50000]
    and we are plotting contour for velocity [40x50000]

    As we can see in the 2nd figure contour22 (zoomed view) the data is not good in that region. How can I identify that region’s data points, remove and replace with interpolated points so that I can get a smooth curve. Can you detail me the steps to do this please. Thanks.

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    A quick method of replacing data in plots is using brush tool on toolbar. Click and drag to select, right-click to view data brushing options.
    Programmatic brushing can be done by selecting data using logical indexing. Removing this contour might need to replace corresponding rows and columns with NaNs; but that would result in discontinuous contour. Best way to ensure bad data gets replaced by interpolation resulting in a smoother contour is removal of rows & columns corresponding to bad contour.



    And how exactly will we identify this bad points in the matrix considering its large size. Thanks



    By defining what’s “bad” and using logical indexing.

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